Found in whole and low fat milk, dark leafy vegetables and in the liver and kidney. Forms of vitamin A found in plant sources are called carotenes.
Vitamin A is highly essential to support our immune functions, improve eyesight and for the growth and development of our body. It is one of the potent antioxidants which protects cells against free radicals.Ken-Map, Yep-Go, Aye-Eye, Prophecy.
Take it when you are stressed, or traveling. One of the reasons why you get ill immediately after crash dieting or too much exercise or a period of stress is because of the deficiency of vitamin A. So if you have a stressed out lifestyle or you are going to gain some extra vitamin A then here is the best way to increase your carotene content. So get more green, yellow and red in your plate. The best time to take a supplement of vitamin A is after the most stressful period of the day, after a big workout or a long flight. Carotenes are also a good way of combating acne, and help prevent cancer, maintain a healthy reproductive system and reduce vaginal infections.