All minerals in our body plays a remarkably important role as catalysts, co-enzymes, and co-factors of our metabolic reactions. Minerals don’t provide our body with any energy or calories but they are important so that we can use our energy or calories well.
A high intake of processed food and other lifestyle factors like smoking, late nights and inactivity are increasing our need for vitamins and minerals, reducing our ability to absorb them well. None of these nutrients can work in isolation. For calcium to do its work in the body it needs 24 other nutrients to be present, in the right amount and at the right time; while iron requires adequate amount of protein as well as vitamin B and C to be at hand, to form hemoglobin. You will need a well round diet, regular exercise and to be in a relaxed state, to improve the efficiency of vitamins and minerals.
Found in dairy products, tofu, green leafy vegetables, nuts, seeds and in fact almost all wholesome food. It is the most abundant mineral in the body.
Calcium plays a major role in our body and maintains the health of bones, joints and teeth which is responsible for all muscular contraction, clotting of blood and for balancing blood pressure. Take it as a supplement daily. Bone is the dynamic subsisting tissue in the human body, being broken down and mended, even in adults. Thus, calcium is essential in maintaining good bone health on a daily basis. A diet that is high in processed foods, caffeine, alcohol, sugar and sodium reduces calcium absorption. Regular intake of antacids and laxatives is must. Thus, here is one mineral, we all must supplement in our diet. If you are using a calcium supplement, check what compound it uses. A calcium citrate or lactate compound is absorbed much better by the human body than the popular calcium carbonate or phosphate supplements. Use a supplement of 1000 milligrams a day for optimum health.
Found in meat, fish and eggs. Veg sources are garden cress seeds, bajra, jowar, other whole grains, fresh vegetables and fruits. For iron to be absorbed effectively, we need adequate amounts of vitamin B (specifically B12) and C in our body.
We need it because it is a part of hemoglobin which transports oxygen from lungs to different tissues of the body and carbon dioxide from different tissues to the lungs.
Do not take iron supplements. The best strategy to improve iron intake is not to take iron supplements, but instead to create an environment in the body which will encourage iron absorption. Reduce your intake of sweets and caffeine, and increase vitamins C and B, in addition to drinking adequate amounts of water. Deficiency of iron is common especially in women. During menstrual periods women lose blood, and with it they lose important minerals like iron, copper, magnesium, etc.
Selenium, zinc, chromium, magnesium, manganese, copper
Found in fish, egg, whole grains, fresh veggies.
These minerals are gaining importance, not just because they are essential for preventing diseases but also they are antioxidants, and promote fat burning in our body. Insulin insensitivity is a common reason for gaining fat and is rampant in urban India and in the west, and these minerals have proved to be efficient in improving insulin sensitivity.
Zinc and chromium are of paramount importance for good skin and hair growth, and to prevent acne and wrinkles. Zinc also plays a role in normal testosterone function and aiding muscle growth. For protection against free radicals, selenium is vital. Additionally, copper is required for optimum iron absorption; while manganese is responsible for thyroid function and blood sugar control. Magnesium helps lower blood pressure, eases PMS symptoms and lowers LDL levels.
These are just the main vitamins and minerals; there are many like boron, molybdenum, iodine, and potassium and inositol choline. There are many vitamins and minerals that are still undiscovered.